Thursday, February 10, 2011

First post in a while (snow!)

I realize I haven't posted in a while, but I thought I'd start again since, let's face it, my life is about to pick up in excitement with my impending wedding.

This has nothing to do with a wedding, but rather the snow we've gotten here over the past month.  Upwards of 12 inches total (six a month ago today, and six yesterday and last night).

Here are a few highlights (from the one yesterday, photos taken this morning):

Icicles hanging off the front of my car

Snow on the top and back of my car

Icicles on the house's overhang

Close up of the overhang icicles

West Oxford Loop @ Jackson Ave.  There is a slight hill here on this now icy intersection...

...I saw more than one car give up and just back track trying to get up the hill through this intersection.

Global warming wins again.  

I hope to have some pictures of a much warmer location (Cozumel, Mexico) after the Honeymoon Cruise!