Sunday, June 17, 2007

This is more for Kelly's edification than anyone else's, since everyone else (except for one of my former professors, apparently) who reads this blog has already seen it. This was mailed/postmarked exactly one month after my graduation and arrived in Prattville (don't ask how...since I told them to mail it to K&P in Northport on the commencement confirmation) and arrived in Prattville on Thursday, June 14th. It is now framed in a frame that is the same model of my bachelor's degree (purchased at Michaels) and is hanging where my bachelor's used to hang (I would hang both, but since it is so close to the time when I'm going to move, I see no need to hammer another hole into the wall yet.

So this is what I have to show for my two years of work, studying, research, etc. Now I have two diplomas/degrees, and no job. Hopefully I'll work on the latter before too terribly long.

1 comment:

KSG said...
