Thursday, June 07, 2007

Roanoke Trip (pictures later)

I am sitting in the fabulous Charlotte Douglas International Airport right now in one of the rocking chairs in one of the many atrimus that dot the airport facility. My flight boards in a few minutes for Huntsville after which I have a two hour or so drive back to Tuscaloosa.

The trip went well, and Roanoke is a lovely town. I think I could be happy living there if I were to get the job. It was no more than 80 when I was there and the temperature when I left my motel this morning (about 5:45am EDT) was cool enough that I could see my breath. The last time I was able to do it this late in the year was when I was on Mt. Fuji, and that was in late July. Granted, it was probably unseasonably cool (they're talking about mid 90s on Friday and Saturday), but hey, when I was there it was VERY comfortable.

I have some pictures to post. Mostly of Lexington, and along the Blue Ridge Parkway (in fact, ALL of those), which I will later today/tomorrow.

(the remaining is typed some 30,000 feet above western North Carolina as they started boarding when I was typing)

I didn't get to go to Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee because 1). There was a baccalaureate service going on that was making use of the chapel and 2). The museum level (which contains R.E. Lee's remains) was closed anyway due to the addition of a new museum exhibit, or something like that. I got to walk around the campus a bit, however, just not near the chapel.

I did get to VMI and the Cadet Museum, as well as the George C. Marshall museum, both on VMI's campus. There was housed 1). The raincoat Stonewall Jackson was wearing when he got shot and 2). The uniform he was wearing on his three most legendary moments (marched out of Lexington in April 1861, nearly got captured by union troops, and when he got his nickname "Stonewall").

I also got a private tour of his house in Lexington, and walked to his grave, which is housed at a Presbyterian Church (ARP) in Lexington (Lauderdale ARP Church is the name, I believe).

I've been up since about 4:15am (CDT) and am slated to get back to Huntsville in just under an hour now.

1 comment:

KSG said...

I'm glad that you had a good time. The mountains are beautiful and time of the year.