Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"I know what you're thinking...did he fire five shots, or six?"

"Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?"

Famous (albeit paraphrased)Clint Eastwood line there from "Dirty Harry" (1971).

Well, they shot me five times today, not six as I had expected. I ended up with an oral vaccination for Typhoid Fever. I was worried about it after talking with Dr. Seth a bit later, but I talked with a lady at the health department, and looked at the CDC website about the oral vaccination and didn't see any reason not to be able to take it. Dr. Seth just e-mailed me a few minutes ago and said that his experiences (he got a mild case of it over there while on Ph.D. research) were based on Canadian pills in the mid 1990s (he got his Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo in Ontario). He said that the other professor going on the trip (who went last year) took the pills and had no problem. I take four pills over the course of about eight days (one every other day). It gradually builds my immunity to typhoid fever. The run-down is available here:

So what I got today in terms of actual needles:

Yellow Fever (certified by the CDC too, I have a yellow sheet to prove it!)
Meningicoccal (meningitis)
Hepatitis A&B (actually just part one of a three series shot, I can probably get the second one before I go, and probably in Augauga county. Only one is needed, but they recommend three. One today, one a month from now, and one six months from now. The more I have, simply means the more my system is immune. The RN said I could get the second and/or third shots anywhere basically that has it, hence thinking Augauga County Health Dept. a few days before I go, because the next time I could get scheduled with Tuscalooca Health Dept. was the day I leave for Atlanta and subsequently, Ghana)

That means I have five band-aids on my arms right now. Two on my left, three on my right. I'm not sure what went into what arm, but the RN at the Health Dept. had a system (the weaker ones go in my dominant arm).

So yes, as a matter of fact, I DO feel lucky................punk! (

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